into three population models based on the method of organism reproduction
1) Populations with continuous reproduction
(Exponential growth in continuous time)
N(t + dt) = N(t) + dN
Colony size at time t+dt = Colony size at time t + Growth increment in time
(t, t+dt)
Growth increment is directly proportional to the size
of the population
dN = r N dt
r = rate constant of growth ( reciprocal of time )
(relative growth rate –
specific growth rate – fractional growth rate)
r = dN /Ndt
dN / dt = rN
dN/dt = rN
By integrating both sides
ò dN/N = r ò dt
Log N(t) = c + rt
c = Log N(0)
If N(t) = N(0) at time t = 0
By taking exponentials of both sides
N(t) = N(0) exprt
Doubling Time (T2)
The time taken to produce a doubling of the population
It is a property of rate constant of growth
T2 = log 2 /r =
Exponential decay
Q(t) = quantity of material present at time t
dQ/dt = -kQ
k = rate constant of decay
Q(t) = Q(0) exp –kt
Half life
The time taken to decay to half of the initial amount
T1/2 = 0.6931 / k
2) Populations with discrete growth
(Exponential growth in discrete time)
The size of the population in one year is related to
its size in the previous year
Single annual breeding season and one year life span
Each female produces a fixed number R of females which
survive to breed
No. of females in year i+1 is related to the number of
females in year i
Ni+1 = RNi
N1 = RN0 , N2 = RN1 = R2N0
Ni = Ri N0
When R > 1 increase and when R < 1 decline
Log Ni = log N0
+ i log R
Let R = exp r
r = log R
Ni = N0 expir
Log Ni = log N0
+ i log R
With slope R < 0
Ni = N0 expi logR
K = -log R
The relative growth rate decreases with increasing
population size
Represented by the Monomolecular
model for limited growth in continuous time
R(t) is the number of the population at time t
dR/dt µ - R
dR/dt = -kR
By integrating both sides
R(t) = A exp –kt
If C(t) is final population
number after long time t
R(t) +C(t) = A
C(t) = A( 1 – exp –kt)