A biological system can be divided
into a number of entities called compartments and represented by squares. The
interactions and relationships between these entities are represented by arrows
from one to the other entity or from both. These compartments (entities) can be
cells, organs, organisms or even ecosystems.
· Open: A system of
compartments with exit to the outside
· Closed: A system of
compartments with no exit to the outside
· Initial compartment:
The compartment in which the material has been introduced at time t = 0
· Connected: If it is
possible to reach all other compartments from initial compartment
· Strongly connected (
strong ): If it is possible to reach every other compartment from any
· Symmetric: If two
adjacent compartments are connected in a reversible way
· Asymmetric: if no two
adjacent compartments are connected in a reversible way
· Mammillary System: Symmetric system formed by a
central compartment reversibly connected with a number of other compartments
each adjacent to the central one only
· Catenary System: Each compartment is
connected only with the preceding and the successive compartment
Compartment Models
cases will be examined
1) Absorption
Absorption can be
modeled based on the fact that the amount of a substance that enters through a
biological membrane in one unit of time is proportional to the difference in
concentration between the external environment and internal environment
First order reaction
dx/dt = k ( Q – X)
X = concentration of substance in internal environment
Q = concentration of substance in internal environment
k = absorption constant
At t = 0 , X = 0
and integrating both sides of the equation
X = Q ( 1- exp(-kt))
k = dx/dt / Q – X
k corresponds to the ratio between the slope at any
given point on the curve and the distance of that point from the value of Q
Converting the exponential form of the equation to the
linear form by taking the natural logarithm of both sides
ln (Q – X) = ln Q – kt
log (Q – X) = logQ – kt/2.303
for X = Q/2
log(Q-X) = log Q/2 = log Q – log2 = log Q – 0.301
k = 0.693/ t1/2
In some cases of absorption it is possible that the
asymptotic value of X is different from the value of Q (two different factors
affect absorption)
In this case the original equation becomes
dx/dt = k1Q – k2X
at equilibrium as dx/dt = 0 ,
X = k1/k2 Q
( Partition coefficient )
In this case two coefficients control absorption
To obtain the values of k1 and k2
W = M – NZ
W = dx/dt and Z = X
k1 = M/Q
k2 = N
Note that
X = k1/k2 Q(1- exp(-k2t))
2) Elimination
Elimination can be
modeled based on the fact that the decrease in the concentration of X is
proportional to the concentration at that moment
dx/dt = -kX
if k = 0.1 then 10% of the substance present at any
given time is eliminated in one unit time
By integrating both sides
X = x0exp(-kt)
x0 = concentration at time t = 0
To convert the exponential equation to linear
Ln X/X0 = -kt
Ln X = Ln X0 -
log(X/x0) = -kt/2.303
log X = log x0 – kt/2.303
for X = x0/2
k = 0.693/t1/2
If elimination is controlled by two processes not one
(if there are two processes make X decrease)
-dX/dt = k1X + k2X
-dX/dt = (k1+k2) X
Therefore, by integrating both sides
X = x0exp-(k1+k2) t
that elimination
is proportional to the difference between X and a fixed value Xa
dX/dt = -k ( X – Xa )
with X =
X0 for t = 0 and integrating both sides
X = (X0 – Xa) exp(-kt) + Xa
The value of X tends toward Xa when t ® ¥
is possible to calculate the value of k from the amount of a given substance
that has been eliminated in a series of uniform intervals
Y indicate the total quantity of a substance present in the organism
dY/dt = the quantity disappearing in one unit of time
U indicate the total quantity eliminated from the organism
dU/dt = the quantity eliminated in the same interval of
dY/dt / -k
= dU/dt / k
= Y
In linear form
log (dU/dt) = - kt / 2.303 + K
more than one process intervene to decrease the value for Y
dY/dt = - ( k1 + k2
dU/dt = k1Y
by integrating
U = k1Y0
/ k1+k2 ( 1 – exp(-(k1+k2)t))
= the quantity of substance to be eliminated (amount supplied)
t = ¥
= k1Y0 / k1+k2
linear equation becomes
Log(dU/dt) = -
(k1+k2) t / 2.303 + log k1Y0